Gervais Dolvis Leutcho
University Of Dschang
He obtained a Bachelor’s as well as a Master’s Degree both in Electronics respectively in 2015 and 2017 from the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Dschang in Cameroon. He received a Ph.D Degree with Highest Honors in Electronics, Electrotechnics and Automatics at the same University in 2021. He joined the Faculty of Electronics, Communications and Information Technology/Department of Telecommunications of Technical University of Cluj-Napoca in 2019 (Romania) as a Research Scholar through “Eugen Ionescu scholarship”. Currently, He serves as reviewer in peer review international journals including chaos solitons and fractals (Elsevier), Control Engineering Practice (Elsevier), Integration (Elsevier), Nonlinear Dynamics (Springer) and IEEE Trans. Cir. I. His field of research interests includes Complex systems, Hopfield Neural Networks and nonlinear systems in electronic circuits applied to cryptography.