Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle
National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics
He has authored 5 books, edited 11 books, and published more than 300 works in journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. He serves as Associate Editor in: Engineering Applications of Artificial intelligence from 2019, Int J. of Circuit Theory and Applications from 2021, IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (2016-2021), Integration – the VLSI Journal (2013-Present), Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering from 2019, MDPI Electronics from 2020, IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems II (2014-2015), and Journal of Engineering and Applied Research (2018-Present). His research focuses on: integrated circuit design and synthesis, artificial intelligence, design and applications of (fractional-order) chaotic oscillators, symbolic circuit analysis, optimization by metaheuristics, and analog/RF and mixed-signal design automation tools.